Pesquería de erizo mediante buceo (apnea y con botella) del Golfo de León

Información básica

ZONE DE PECHE : Golfe du Lion (GSA 7)

ZONA DE PESCA: Golfo de León (GSA 7)


Erizo de mar,

Paracentrotus lividus


Buceo en apnea

Buceo con botella




This fishery operates in free diving along the Gulf of Lion coast, excepted in the Bouches-du-Rhône where it is practiced in scuba-diving. The fishery used to take place between until 10 meters deep in free diving (and 20 meters deep in scuba-diving). A “grappe” is used to take the sea urchins out of its substrate.

The fishery takes place between November and April/May each year.

VOLUME OF LANDINGS :  136 tons in 2018

FISHING FLEET : 156 fishermen in Occitanie and PACA in 2016

LANDINGS PORTS : Port-Vendres (PV), Sète (ST), Martigues (MT), Marseille (MA), Toulon (TL), Nice (NI)


Resultados de la preevaluación

Results of the MSC pre-assessment, conducted using the precautionary principle (bar filled = benchmark achieved). Only some of the data is presented here. For a full detail of the results, please consult the pre-assessment report.




  • High selectivity of the harvesting technique


  • Low impact of marine habitats


  • National and regional management frameworks with specific management tools


  • Existing consultation bodies in place between stakeholders for the decision-making on the species management
  • Lack of information and data on:
    – landings (including other fishing gears)
    – global stock monitoring (and initial state)
    – recreationnal fishery catches


  • Lack of evidence of the harvesting strategy’s efficiency


  • Control and surveillance activities at sea


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