Gulf of Lions wedge clam dredge


ZONE DE PECHE : Golfe du Lion (GSA 7)

STOCK AREA: Gulf of Lion (GSA 7)


Clam, Donax trunculus


Hand dredge


VOLUME OF LANDINGS :  78.1 tons in 2014


FISHING FLEET : 115 licensed shore fishers in Occitanie and 77 in PACA in 2015


LANDINGS PORTS : Port-Vendres (PV), Sète (ST), Martigues (MT)



Clam collection is a coastal fishing activity using small, light dredges that are towed by hand while walking backwards. The dredge consists of a metal frame fitted with teeth to scrape soft substrates, a grate for sediment movement and a holding bag to retain the clams. One trip takes approximately four hours.

The fishery operates in the Gulf of Lions, along the sandy coasts of Languedoc-Roussillon and PACA.

Clam fishing is conducted year-round, except for some closed periods.

Pre-assessment results

Results of the MSC pre-assessment, conducted using the precautionary principle (bar filled = benchmark achieved). Only some of the data is presented here. For a full listing of the results, please visit the Medfish website.




  • Selective gear with low impact on threatened, endangered and protected species, benthic habitats and ecosystems
  • Regulations in place to limit fishing activities (licenses, minimum legal size) 
  • Stock biomass monitoring required
  • Build knowledge about status of stocks
  • Harvest control rules to be defined
  • Information about landings required
  • No specific management plan in place

> Downoad this fishery factsheet

> Read the pre-assessment reports of this fishery

> Read the action plan report of this fishery